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St Andrew's CofE Primary School Shifnal

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Shropshire Council is the admission authority for St Andrew’s CofE Primary School

Shropshire Admissions

For admissions to Reception Year, application must be made through Shropshire Council (or the relevant home local authority) by 15th January prior to the academic year in which the child is due to start school. All applications received by this date will be considered and parents will be informed by the home authority on 16th April (or next working day) if they have been allocated a place for their child.  Further details can be found in the Parents’ Guide to Education booklet on the website www.shropshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions

The school has an admission limit (PAN) of 50 for entry into Reception. The school will accordingly admit at least 50 each year if sufficient applications are received. All applicants will be admitted if 50 or fewer apply.

Admissions Policy 2024/2025 

Admissions Policy 2025/2026

When can my child start school?

Children can attend primary education from the September following their 4th birthday.  The law requires that children attend school from the prescribed day4 following their 5th birthday.  Parents can request that the date their child is admitted to the school is deferred until later in the school year, or until the child reaches compulsory school age in that year.  They can also request that their child attends part-time until they reach compulsory school age.  However, the offer of a place cannot be held over until the next academic year.

Children become of compulsory school age on the first prescribed day following their 5th birthday: 31 August, 31 December or 31 March (or on that day if any of these dates are the child’s birthday).

For more information on deferring the start of Reception to a different cohort, please see below.

Admission of children outside their normal age group (not Reception)

Parents may seek a place for their child outside their normal year group with a different cohort. Such requests may be appropriate, for instance where the child is gifted or talented, or where a child has suffered from particular social or medical issues impacting his or her schooling. All such requests will be considered on their merits and either agreed or refused, on that basis. If a request is refused, the child will still be considered for admission to their normal age group.

The process for requesting such an admission is as follows:

With the application, parents should request that the child is admitted to another year group (state which one), and the reasons for that request. Parents will submit any evidence in support of their case with the application, for instance from a medical practitioner, headteacher etc. Some of the evidence a parent might submit could include:

  • information about the child’s academic, social and emotional development;
  • where relevant, their medical history and the views of a medical professional;
  • whether they have previously been educated out of their normal age group; and
  • whether they may naturally have fallen into a lower age group if it were not for being born prematurely.

Requests for admission out of the normal year group will be considered alongside other applications made at the same time.

Requests to defer starting Reception

Children must have started school when they reach compulsory school age and cannot start school before the September following their fourth birthday. 

Requests to defer starting Reception, must be made to Shropshire Council’s School Admissions Team at the same time as the application for a school place and by the closing date of 15 January. 

Shropshire Council will gather as much information about the child as possible. Parents may submit documentation in support of their request and information may be provided by the current educational or early years setting. (See examples in section above.) 

Consideration will be given to exceptional circumstances in a child’s development, medical history and premature birth, if applicable. Very exceptionally, an assessment by an educational psychologist may be appropriate.

When all the information is collated, the request will be considered by the admission authority. The decision will be made on the individual circumstances of the case and whether it is in the child’s best interests to join a different cohort.    

If a deferred entry is approved, the school place application will be withdrawn, and parents will need to re-apply the following year. An agreed Reception deferral does not guarantee a place at the school the following year; a fresh application must be considered in terms of oversubscription criteria along with all the other applications received for that year group. If a request is refused, the child will still be considered for admission to their normal age group.

Admissions Arrangements

Please click for Shropshire's latest admissions arrangements:

Admission Arrangements

Mid-term applications

In-Year Admissions

From 1 September 2024. Shropshire Council will be coordinating and allocating all requests for places at our school.

If you wish to apply for a place at our school, please complete the online application form via this link – Synergy - Homepage (shropshire.gov.uk)

Your application will be processed by the School Admissions Team at Shropshire Council in accordance with our school’s oversubscription criteria. You will then be notified via letter of the outcome of your application.

Waiting list

The LA will maintain a waiting list for unsuccessful applicants held in order of oversubscription criteria.  If any vacancies arise, places will be offered to applicants at the top of the waiting list.  If a place can be offered, the applicant will be expected to take up the place within 6 school weeks or by the start of the next half term, whichever is the earliest date, with the exception of Reception children who have deferred entry until later in the same academic year.  The waiting list will be reordered in accordance with the oversubscription criteria whenever anyone is added to or leaves it.  If an offer of a place is refused, the name will be removed from the waiting list. 


All applicants refused a place have a right of appeal to an independent appeal panel constituted and operated in accordance with the School Admission Appeals Code.

Appellants should contact Shropshire Council School Admissions Team for information on how to appeal. Information on the timetable for the appeals process is on the website www.shropshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions.  Parents must be given at least 10 school days from the date of notification that their application was unsuccessful to lodge an appeal.

Useful Links:

Parents Guide to Education


  • Applying Online
  • Waiting List and Reviews
  • Special Needs
  • Oversubscription Criteria
  • Frequently Asked Questions 
  • Appeal against allocation of school place