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St Andrew's CofE Primary School Shifnal

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Encouraging regular school attendance is one of the most powerful ways you can prepare your child for success - both in school and in life. When you make school attendance a priority, you help your child get better academic achievements, develop healthy life habits and support your child in developing positive and lasting relationships with others.


Each school has an education welfare officer and we meet once a term to review attendance and lateness. If your child’s attendance dips or your child is regularly late you will receive a letter, if there is no improvement you will be asked to attend a meeting and this is recorded. Penalty notices can be issued by the local authority for persistent absences and persistent lateness. Please note that if your child moves school, their attendance record is sent electronically to the new school, who will continue with any action undertaken by the previous school


Holidays in term time for the purpose of an annual family holiday are no longer classed as exceptional circumstances and as such your child’s absence is unauthorised. Whilst each case is looked at on an individual basis the only reasons for an authorised holiday would be the following:

 a) Family wedding/funeral of a close family member, where parents feel the child is of an appropriate age to attend or has a specific role e.g. bridesmaid.

b) An exceptional one off family event which is deemed appropriate by the head teacher for the child to attend.

There is a form available in the school entrance or you can download a copy here, if you meet the criteria above and wish to apply for an exceptional circumstance.
Form - Request a leave of absence

Please note that dentist and routine medical appointments will NOT be authorised and should take place outside of school hours – hospital appointments are authorised – please bring the letter of appointment to the office.

 Your child should be in school until 3.15pm - the law requires parents to ensure their children receive an efficient full time education, and every minute of every day is important. Please help your child not to miss any of this valuable time.